Tomie depaola author study worksheet
Tomie depaola activities!
Tomie dePaola and a Strega Nona Freebie
Last updated by Linda Kamp on •38 Comments
In this post you will find a collection of Tomie dePaola book activities ideal for a 2nd grade author study.
Tomie depaola author study worksheet
Tomie dePaola Book Activities
One of my very favorite authors is Tomie dePaola.I just love his themes and his illustrations. I also love that you can just about find a Tomie book to teach any comprehension strategy or skill.Many of his books are based on his memories from childhood and all of his books are a teacher’s dream for teaching about text connections, point of view, author’s purpose, generalizations, prior knowledge, drawing conclusions, cause and effect, problem/solution….I could go on and on!
Author’s Viewpoint
We started out by reading The Art Lesson and talking about the author’s viewpoint.
This was a bit tricky for some of my kiddos. It took a bit of discussion and some “I wonder if-ing” on my part to get my second graders in the mind