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    Older workers aren't less productive: What we get wrong about aging and work

    Pilita Clark: Research shows that a lot of assumptions about older workers are misplaced

    Author of the article:

    Financial Times

    Pilita Clark

    Published Jun 02, 2023  •  Last updated Jun 02, 2023  •  3 minute read

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    After Martin Amis died, newspapers filled with reminders of the celebrated writer’s more memorable thoughts.

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    In 2021, he told the Guardian he had been finding it hard to finish things during the pandemic but doubted this was due to COVID-19.

    “It’s just age,” he said. “In the old days it came quicker, the prose. Now it’s a battle.”

    Amis was 71 at the time, but the number of people who mentioned this quote to me last week suggests his words resonate well beyond his own generation.

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